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Commercial Lane Rental Request Form


Purpose:  The Parks and Recreation Department allows commercial rental of lanes during normal operating hours, with the exception of open swim times, space permitting; at $12 per hour per lane (short course) $28 per lane long course (when available).

(Two hour minimum and a four lane minimum request is REQUIRED)

Process: Those interested in lane rental, may submit their request on a first come, first served basis.
  • If request can be accommodated, Facility Use Permit is issued - area booked will be Commercial Lane Rental Area and physical pool areas will be designated on a booking by booking basis by pool management.

  • Requests can be made up to six months in advance, for the months listed below:

    • May 1 (6 a.m.) for June, July, August, September, October and November
    • Oct  1 (6 a.m.) for December, January, February, March, April and May.

  • Availability of pools for these types of uses will vary season to season and pool to pool. The commercial use has the lowest priority of all pool uses.

  • Hourly lifeguard staff fee will be charged for each hour of commercial lane rental in addition to the lane rental fee and administration fee, if additional staff is needed. The need for staff will be determined by the Aquatics Coordinator at each site.  
  • Commercial General Liability covering bodily injury, property damage, contractual liability, and sexual abuse and molestation, in the amount of 1 million dollars, naming the City of Scottsdale as additionally insured is required. Insurance is due seven days before first use. Update insurance is required for any long term use. Non-compliance results in forfeiture of the facility use.

  • Signed Contract and payment is due within two weeks of rental. If use is within two weeks; signed contract and payment is due immediately at time of booking.
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Contact Information
Which aquatic facility is your organization interested in using?
(Please number in order of preference, 1-4)
In the fields below, please enter in the times you are requesting for each day of the week. If you won't be using the pool a certain day, please leave that day blank.
Rental Details
What depth of pool will you need?
Are all your coaches certified in CPR and Safety training for swim coaches?
Do any/all of your coaches have Lifeguard Training Certification?
If yes, what is the name of your Lifeguard Certification Organization?
Is your group in good standing (without recent violations) with your sport’s governing body?
Does your group currently have an insurance policy that meets the requirements below?

Commercial General Liability covering bodily injury, property damage, contractual liability, and sexual abuse and molestation, in the amount of 1 million dollars, naming the City of Scottsdale as additionally insured.

Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Aquatics
15525 N. Thompson Peak Pkwy.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P: 480-312-6677

[email protected]