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Hiring an Off-Duty Officer

Scottsdale off-duty police officers can be hired by the public to perform security and traffic control services. Officers are often hired to provide security and traffic control at large and small events, traffic control for projects in the roadway, security for meetings, and many other situations.

General Restrictions

  • The job site must be within the Scottsdale city limits.
  • Officers are in uniform.
  • Officers will not provide civil legal service or act as a witness to civil legal proceedings.
  • Officers cannot be put in a position to determine who is admitted, served or ejected from an establishment or event.


  • Complete the Scottsdale Police Off-Duty Letter of Agreement (PDF) form.
  • Fax the completed form to 480-312-2686 or email it to [email protected].
  • If the Insurance Waiver Option is not marked, the required insurance must be received before the job begins otherwise the insurance fee will apply.
  • Requests for officers less than 48 hours in advance are subject to a late request fee.
  • Do not pay the officer at the job site. The Special Events Unit will send an invoice after the officer's timesheet is received.

Rates (Effective July 1, 2022)

Police Officer / Police Aide $60.00 per hour

Police Officer / Police Aide - Holiday Fee **

$90.00 per hour
Supervisor (required for every three officers*) $70.00 per hour
Supervisor - Holiday Fee ** $105.00 per hour
Lieutenant (required when two or more supervisors are required*) $80.00 per hour
Lieutenant - Holiday Fee ** $120.00 per hour
Insurance Waiver Option Fee (per employee) $10.00 per hour
Vehicle Use Fee $7.00 per hour
Late-Request Fee (less than 48 hours notice; per employee) $5.00 per hour

* Or as determined by the SPD Off-Duty Coordinator

** Thanksgiving Eve after 5pm; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Eve after 5pm; Christmas Day; New Year’s Eve after 5pm; New Year’s Day; July 4th

Other Off-Duty Information (Effective Nov. 21, 2013)

  • If you are planning a special event in Scottsdale and you desire to hire an off-duty police officer, or you are required to hire an off-duty police officer, you MUST hire a Scottsdale police officer if:
    1. A special event permit is required by the City of Scottsdale, AND
    2. The event is taking place on city property (public sidewalk, public street, city-owned parking lot, city-owned facility).
  • If your business is required to have a city-approved public safety plan and you desire to hire an off-duty police officer, or you are required to hire an off-duty police officer, you MUST hire a Scottsdale police officer. The public safety plan ordinance applies to bars and similar businesses that require age verification for admittance, provide live entertainment or a DJ.
  • If you are an off-duty officer from a law enforcement agency other than Scottsdale, and you have been hired to control traffic within the City of Scottsdale OR to provide off-duty security services at a business required to have a city-approved public safety plan, you must:
    1. Be in uniform (regular on-duty uniform);
    2. Call Scottsdale PD Communications Center at 480-312-5000 and provide contact information (name, agency, mobile phone number, work location and work hours); and
    3. Report any act of violence (as defined by Title 4 of the Arizona Revised Statutes) to the Scottsdale Police Department that occurs on or about the premises of the business subject to the public safety plan.

Both items above are required by the Off-Duty Ordinance. If you are an off-duty officer providing traffic control in Scottsdale, be sure to request the "Off-Duty Police Officer" brochure by emailing [email protected]. It contains easy-to-follow guidelines for the ordinance as well as other useful information.


Contact Special Events Unit


[email protected]