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Scottsdale Code of Ordinances

The Scottsdale Revised Code is the official set of laws that govern the community, adopted over the years by various City Councils. Use this link to view Scottsdale's Revised Code ( to external site to view all oridances that pertain to Scottsdale Parks. Ordinances that have been recently approved by Council but have not yet been incorporated into the Scottsdale Revised Code are listed here.

Waiver of Liability

I understand that physical injury may occur during participation in this program(s) or activity, including transportation if applicable, or use of the fitness facilities, as applicable. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless and discharge the City of Scottsdale, and its representatives, successors and assigns, to the fullest extent allowed by law from any and all claims for personal or bodily injury and property damage occurring or resulting from my (and/or my child's/team member's, as applicable) participation or use of facilities.

Hold Harmless

Physical injury to you or your child(ren) may occur during participation at a City of Scottsdale facility or in a City recreation program. By using a city facility or participating in a city program, you release and agree to hold harmless the City of Scottsdale and its representatives to the fullest extent allowed by law from any and all claims for personal or bodily injury and property damage occurring or resulting from you or your child(ren)'s participation. If your child is in an after-school program, the program format is DROP IN and participants come and go as they wish during the program hours without signing in or out.

Photo Release

By using a city facility or participating in a city program, you give permission to the City of Scottsdale to use your child(ren)'s likeness (i.e. image, picture, etc), while participating in a City of Scottsdale Parks and Recreation, Human Services, or other City program, on informational and promotional materials and reports, in printed, video and electronic (web) form, without any obligation or liability to the City, the minor child, or his or her parent or guardian.

Authorization Regarding Medical Assistance

I hereby authorize the City of Scottsdale staff to obtain any needed medical assistance in case of an emergency, illness, or accident. I understand that any resulting expenses or charges are my responsibility and I will pay them immediately, either directly or through personal insurance