Important Notice: This website is currently in a transition phase. Some content may not be up to date. For the latest information and updates, please visit our new website.

If you need property from your vehicle while it is impounded

The registered owner can claim property from the vehicle by providing government-issued identification and current proof of ownership to the tow company.

Contact Information

The city has contracted with All City Towing for towing and impound services:
All City Towing
922 E. Gilbert Drive
Tempe, AZ 85281
P: 480-833-7278

Scottsdale Police Department Towing Contacts:
Vehicle Impound Unit - General Towing Questions related to police impounds
P: 480-312-5314
[email protected]

Alex Ristuccia - Police Tow/Impound Supervisor
P: 480-312-5643
[email protected]

Sgt. Wes Shaffer - Special Events Towing Questions
P: 480-312-4390
[email protected]