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How can citizens and government work together to significantly decrease aircraft noise in our community?

Noise abatement is not a local issue and there is an ongoing nationwide dialog between the FAA, legislators, residents, citizens, industry and other advocacy groups. Significant noise reduction could come from new federal legislation regarding

  1. Hushkits of Stage II aircraft under 75,000 lbs. certificated weight or
  2. A review of the DNL noise metric and adoption of a lower noise threshold than 65DNL
  3. Reducing the onerous of requirements of the 14 CFR Part 161 process. 

Contact Information

Airport Logo
Scottsdale Airport
 - Administrative Offices
15000 N. Airport Drive, suite 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P: 480-312-2321
F: 480-312-8480

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