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Integrity Line Reporting Form

Report suspected fraud, waste or abuse by calling the Integrity Line at 480-312-8348, sending an email to [email protected], or by using the form below. Fraud, waste or abuse include, but are not limited to these examples:

  • Theft or misuse of City resources (money, time, property, etc.)
  • Personal use of City-owned equipment, vehicles, or other assets
  • Corruption (e.g., conflict of interest, offering or accepting bribes)
  • Misuse of City information
  • Falsification of City records
  • Violations of City procurement policy or contract fraud
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What's New

City Court Minimum Accounting Standards, Audit No. 2404

The audit reviewed City Court’s controls over its financial transactions and assessed its compliance with Minimum Accounting Standards and found the City Court complied with requirements for the review period of January 2021 through December 2023.
Bridge Infrastructure Assessments, Audit No. 2407

The audit found that more than half of ADOT inspection reports have not been obtained and reviewed, and more effective monitoring of inspection results is needed. Additionally, smaller bridges are at risk of costly repairs or replacement due to lack of an asset management program.
Library Operations Management, Audit No. 2406

The audit found that an increase in hold request fulfillment times and returns of lost items are potentially associated to patrons keeping materials longer in the absence of late fees. However, performance metrics to evaluate the results of Fine Free program and other initiatives had not been established and data for assessing the programs is limited.
See All Audit Reports