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Code Enforcement

The City of Scottsdale's Code Enforcement inspectors enforces zoning, property maintenance, housing, signage, graffiti and construction activity regulations found in the City Ordinance. 

The following is a list of some of the most common issues we deal with on a regular basis or view photos at Code Enforcement Photo Gallery.

Yard Maintenance

All land including areas adjacent to property such as alleys or easements must remain free of conditions which cause the property to become unsightly. (Maintenance of alleys and easements is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner)

Some examples:

  • Dead, dry or bare dirt areas prohibited
  • Desert landscape should be maintained free of grass and weeds
  • Grass/Weeds that exceeds six inches high
  • Overgrown vegetation which obstructs sidewalks, streets, alleys or rights-of-way


The City’s Code Enforcement Unit removes graffiti on walls, fences, light poles and utility boxes in the public right-of-way throughout Scottsdale.

Report any graffiti you may see by calling the Graffiti Hotline at:
480-312-2546 or use the service request form.

Please provide the following information:

  • Exact location of the graffiti
  • Street address or major cross streets
  • If there is no address, the specific location of the property
  • The specific description of the graffiti
  • Property owners requesting graffiti removal please fill out a Graffiti Waiver form (PDF) in addition to the service request form

Graffiti will be removed within 24-48 hours of the complaint.

Illegal Signs

The City of Scottsdale has adopted a strict sign ordinance which sets the standard regarding the placement, design, and types of signs permitted within Scottsdale city limits. All permanent signs are required to have permits prior to installation and display.
The following signs are not allowed: 

  • Neon signs unless hung 3 feet back from window face.
  • Inflatable objects are prohibited unless used in conjunction with a Special Event permit.
  • Temporary signs attached to utility poles, street signs, or bandits signs stuck into the ground.
  • Gobo (lighting) signs projected onto any structure or surface. 
  • Street banners
  • Vertical feather/blade banners
  • Pennants, balloons, and other inflatable devices, unless such devices are approved in conjunction with a Special Event Permit

Accumulation of Debris

Property is to be kept free of any accumulation of garbage, litter or debris to include:

  • Landscape trimmings
  • Construction materials
  • Old furniture, furniture parts
  • Abandoned/neglected equipment
  • Auto parts/scrap metal
  • Household fixtures/appliances

Green Pool

Pools and bodies of water need to be maintaned in a healthy and usable condition, free of stagnant water or conditions that promote insect infestation or deterioration.

Building Exteriors

All structures and buildings on property are to be maintained in good condition free of deterioration, blight or lack of maintenance. The following are examples of items considered problematic:

  • Chipping or peeling or missing paint on exterior surfaces
  • Cracked, broken, or rotted surfaces and fences (includes windows)
  • Deteriorated roofs or significantly missing tiles

Abandoned or Junk Vehicles

Any abandoned/junk vehicle or a vehicle being repaired or restored is required to be stored in a fully enclosed and non-visible location at all times. Car covers are not acceptable. An abandoned/junk vehicle is any vehicle which:

  • Is inoperable, dismantled, wrecked, or on blocks or similar device; or
  • Does not display current license plate; or
  • Has a deflated tire

Code Interpretations