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Farms, Ranches & Stables
In general, the City does not regulate the number of horses or other farm animals allowed on single-family and two-family residential properties as long as they are for personal use of the homeowner and there is a City-approved, habitable single family home on the property. The City does not allow the commercial raising of animals as is typically associated with a farm, except on a farm, ranch or commercial stable.
The Zoning Code limits the location of farms, ranches, and stables:
- Single-Family Residential - farms, commercial stables, & ranches by conditional use permit
- Resort Residential (R4-R) - Travel Accommodation
- Two-Family Residential - farms, commercial stables, & ranches by conditional use permit
- To discuss further, consider scheduling a pre-application
Horses, Livestock & Other Animals
Animals (including horses and other livestock) are regulated by the Maricopa County Health Department and by rules/regulations enforced by Homeowner's Associations or Covenants, Codes & Restrictions (CC&R's).
The City of Scottsdale does have regulations pertaining to:
- Commercial boarding or training
- Nuisances such as flies or odors
Applicable Regulations:
- City Code: Chapter Four Article II, Keeping Of Domestic Animals
- Definitions - Farms, commercial stables, and ranches
- Use Permit Criteria - Commercial stables and ranches