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Development Review Minor Applications

A Development Review Minor is a staff approval for development review involving minor exterior improvements to a commercial, multi-family property, or residential common areas. Scottsdale's Zoning Ordinance states that Development Review Minor requests may be administered by staff, as opposed to the Development Review Board. City staff will review applications on a case-by-case basis and determine whether the proposed project is eligible for Development Review Minor or must go through the Development Review Board hearing process. For processing timeframes, refer to the Planning and Development Services' substantive Policy Statements and Staff Review Timeframes for Development applications (PDF). (See Development Review Minor Process Flowchart  (PDF)

Typical situations that qualify include:

  • landscaping revisions
  • adding an entry feature to a commercial or multi-family building  
  • color changes 
  • adding exterior walls or gates
  • adding exterior lighting 
  • parking lot re-striping

Additions or changes to detached single family residences may submit for Construction Document plan review without a Development Review approval. Attached, condominium, and multi-family residential developments will need a Development Review Minor approval for any exterior changes. The application process begins with a pre-application.