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Transportation Safety Zone

The city of Scottsdale by Council Resolution can establish Transportation Safety Zones for the purpose of relieving traffic congestion.

Inside a Transportation Safety Zone, dedicated traffic lanes may be established for use by taxis, limousines, passenger carts, pedicabs and other for-hire vehicles for the purpose of picking up and dropping off passengers.

Additionally, Passenger Convenience Areas (PDF) may be established where for-hire vehicles temporarily park to wait for passengers.

The City Council created a Transportation Safety Zone in Scottsdale's Downtown entertainment district - east of Buckboard Trail, from Sixth Avenue to Camelback Road.



Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Transportation 
7447 E. Indian School Rd., Suite 205 
Scottsdale, AZ 85251  
P: 480-312-7250
TDD: 480-312-5419
F:  480-312-4000

Traffic Engineering
P: 480-312-7250

Street Operations
P: 480-312-5620

Traffic Management Center 
P: 480-312-7777 (6 a.m. - 6 p.m. weekdays)
[email protected]