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Small Wireless Facilities

The installation of small wireless facilities (SWF) is happening in communities across the country. Currently, in the City of Scottsdale, wireless service companies have wireless sites on streetlights, power poles, and traffic signals in the rights-of-way (ROW). The general location of these facilities can be found on the Wireless Communication Facilities map. These sites complement their wireless sites already operating on private property within City limits. Over the next few years, the wireless service companies are projected to install hundreds of new SWF sites.

As it stands today, federal and state laws preempt cities from regulating how wireless facilities are deployed in city rights-of-way. In March 2017, the Arizona State Legislature passed House Bill 2365 and was signed by the governor on March 31, 2017, which amended Title 9, Section 5 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. §9-591 to §9-599) relating to wireless services. As a result of this bill, state law allows wireless providers to install, operate and maintain SWF and related equipment in the City’s rights-of-way and public easements as a matter of right. The City may only require an applicant to certify that the small wireless facilities comply with the federal communications commission's regulations concerning radio frequency emissions referenced in 47 United States Code section 332(c)(7)(B)(iv).

More information can be found on the FCC website regarding radio frequency emissions.

You may consider reaching out to your state or federal representatives with concerns regarding these installations.