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Article 4: Administrative Departments and Offices

Sec. 1. Administrative departments and offices.

The council, by ordinance not inconsistent with this charter, shall provide for the organization, conduct and operation of the several offices and departments of the city as established by this charter, for the creation of additional departments, divisions, offices and agencies and for their consolidation, alteration or abolition.

The council, by ordinance not inconsistent with this charter, may assign additional functions or duties to offices, departments or agencies.

The council shall provide the number, titles, qualifications, powers, duties and compensation of all officers and employees of the city.  Except as otherwise provided in Article 3, Section 1, the council may by ordinance provide residency requirements for all city employees.

Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Mayor and City Council
3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Mayor's Office
P: 480-312-2433
F: 480-312-2738

Council Offices
P: 480-312-2550
F: 480-312-7885

Email Mayor Ortega: [email protected]
Email All City Council Members: [email protected]
or select a council member for individual email information.

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