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Keep Scottsdale Beautiful

Thank you to all the volunteers who help keep our streets “clean & scenic”.

Spring Cleanup

The next citywide litter cleanup event is Saturday, April 27 for Earth Day. All Adopt-A-Road groups are invited to help keep Scottsdale roadways clean & scenic. For questions and information, please contact [email protected].

Registration for Saturday, April 27 is currently closed.

Volunteer Groups Make the Following Required Commitments

  • Commit to at least a two (2)-year period to the litter pick-up of a specific assigned roadway in either a one (1) or (2) mile increment.
  • Commit to a minimum of three (3) litter pick-ups per year, with the following suggested times of the year in mind:
    • January through March (during peak tourist season)
    • April (during a designated day for Scottsdale Clean and Beautiful Month)
    • October (during the organized Keep Scottsdale Beautiful Day - formerly Treasures 'N Trash )
  • Commit to have the participation of volunteers who are in good health and are able to tolerate normal outdoor activities such as walking and stooping.
  • Commit to have the participation of volunteers who are 12 or older. Volunteers between 12 and 17 must have a parent or guardian's signature on the Participant Agreement Form prior to any activity and must have adult supervision at all times during the clean-up project.
  • Commit to have the participation of volunteers who are not under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or narcotics while participating in any clean-up project.

To Get Involved as a Volunteer Group

  1. View our map of available roadways to find an appropriate one to adopt. Please note the map is updated once everyday and it’s possible that another group has selected that segment. Please contact the Program Coordinator to verify.
  2. Fill out the Adopt-A-Road - Scottsdale Clean and Scenic Program Application.
  3. Complete the Litter Pick-Up Packet prior to the beginning of every clean-up project. (Includes the Team Leader Checklist, Pre-Event Notice and the Participant Agreement Form)
    • Submission of the Pre-Event Notice one week prior to the beginning of every litter pick-up, helps us to retrieve the filled litter bags on a timely basis and to keep our records up to date.
    • For legal purposes, have all litter pick-up participants sign the Participant Agreement Form prior to the clean-up and submit it immediately following. Groups with the same participants that participate in litter pick-ups on a regular basis (more than three times per year), may submit the Participant Agreement Form once a year.
  4. If needed, litter bags and vests are available for litter clean-ups and can be arranged to be picked up.

Option for Signage

Although not required, volunteer groups have the option of purchasing sign nameplates to help announce their efforts in keeping Scottsdale beautiful. These nameplates are placed by Scottsdale Sign Crews on signs located at each end of the adopted roadway segment for a $50 total fee. If you wish to do so, please fill out and submit a sign request form along with payment made payable to the city of Scottsdale.

Signs are for recognition and not advertising. No websites, email addresses, or phone numbers are permitted on the signs.

Signs may note:

  1. Name of the organization or company cleaning the roadway segment or
  2. “In Memory of” a particular person or persons or
  3. “In Honor of” a particular person or persons

Signs should be 20 characters or less per line (including spaces). Any more than 20 characters, makes the font so small that the sign is illegible. 

The City reserves the right to refuse sign requests that contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive comments that target or disparage anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. In addition, no signs that advocate for a particular candidate or ballot issue are allowed.

Adopt-A-Road sign nameplates do not reflect the opinions and positions of the City of Scottsdale, its officers, and employees.

The metal signs have a lifespan of more than 10 years. The city of Scottsdale will replace signs that are damaged, faded or defaced one time per fiscal year.

The City of Scottsdale Makes a Commitment To:

  • Assign roadways based on availability.
  • Send announcements of city promoted events, such as Keep Scottsdale Beautiful Month and Keep Scottsdale Beautiful Day.
  • Provide safety vests and litter bags for litter pick-ups.
  • Remove filled litter bags promptly after each organized clean-up, if notified prior.

Contact Information

Bruce Wall 
Program Coordinator
P: 480-312-7898
[email protected]