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Rates and Fees

Water and Sewer Rates

Water rates (PDF) consist of a monthly base service charge, which is determined by the size of the water meter, and a monthly quantity usage charge, which is based on the amount of water used.

Scottsdale Water has a tiered water rate structure under which the price you pay for water increases as the volume consumed increases. This provides a pricing incentive for customers to use water more efficiently since higher-volume usage, usually associated with using treated drinking water for extensive outdoor watering, is charged at a higher rate.

Sewer rates (PDF) consist of a monthly base fee, also determined by water meter size, and a monthly volumetric charge calculated by multiplying 90 percent of the customer's average consumption during the low-watering winter months of the prior December, January and February.

Miscellaneous Water Meter and Service Feeds (PDF)

Water and Sewer Rate Report (PDF)

Water Cost of Service Study (PDF)

Apply for Adjustment to Sewer Volumetric Charges
Filling in your pool or experienced a leak?


Sewer volumetric charges are associated with the costs to treat wastewater that is discharged from your home into the city's sanitary sewer system. Unlike water use, sewer use is not metered. Instead, sewer charges are based on a customer's average water use in the cooler winter months when outdoor watering and pool evaporation should be greatly reduced, giving a better representation of the actual indoor wastewater amounts that are returned to the sewer system.

Sewer charges are recalculated annually in July based on your average water use billed in December, January and February. If your water usage during these months is not a true reflection of the actual water discharged to the city's sewer system (ex: you filled a pool or experienced a leak), you may appeal your sewer charges by completing a sewer charge adjustment request. Forms submitted before June 20 will be reviewed prior to your annual sewer volumetric update in July.


Per City Code Chapter 49, Article IV, Section 49-141 (k), forms will not be accepted after Aug. 31 for adjustments to the current year. Completion of this form does not guarantee that the volumetric charge on your utility account will be adjusted. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 480-312-2461 or email [email protected].

Development Fees

The city's current water and wastewater development fees (PDF) are one-time payments to fund construction of public facilities needed to accommodate new development pursuant to ARS §9-463.05. The legislation requires that the development fees (1) must result in a beneficial use to the new development; (2) be based on the newly adopted infrastructure improvements plan; (3) must not exceed the proportionate share of the cost of providing the water and wastewater services based on a common “service unit”; and (4) the costs provided to new development must be based on the same level of service provided to existing development.

The legislation also requires that before adopting amended development fees, the city must prepare an updated Land Use Assumptions report (LUA) and an Infrastructure Improvements Plan (IIP):

Land Use Assumptions report (LUA)

Infrastructure Improvements Plan (IIP)

Development Fee Report

For most properties, development fees are due when a building permit is issued. However, refer to Scottsdale Revised Code

Section 49-82, paragraphs 2 through 5, to determine development impact fee payment requirements.

Annual Reports of the Collection and Use of Development Fees: