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Airport Noise Information

Scottsdale Airport is a general aviation reliever facility which serves to relieve smaller and slower aircraft operations from commercial airports. There is no scheduled commercial service or airliners that operate from Scottsdale Airport.

The airport is owned and operated by the city of Scottsdale, but the Federal Aviation Administration manages aircraft in flight and establishes flight patterns.

As a public airport, it must be available for public use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, the airport through the Noise Abatement program encourages operators to fly before 10 p.m. and after 6 a.m. A letter referred to as a "voluntary curfew letter," which asks for their cooperation to fly outside these hours, will be sent to an operator when a noise complaint is received and confirmed.

Serving aviation demand while managing aircraft noise within the airport's vicinity can be a challenge. Since 1999, the city has managed a Noise Abatement Program to encourage aircraft operators to comply with noise abatement procedures.

The Scottsdale Airport Noise Abatement program is based on the philosophy that good neighbors make every effort to understand the concerns of their neighbors, and take action to minimize aircraft influences experienced by residents.

Airport Noise Abatement Program 

The City of Scottsdale has long history of proactive noise abatement efforts. The program was developed through a consultative process and included extensive technical analysis along with public input. The city has undergone three FAA Part 150 studies, which were completed in 1985, 1997 & 2005.

Through this study, the city created its Noise Abatement Program aimed at improving the compatibility between airport operations and noise-sensitive land uses in the area, while allowing the airport to continue to serve its roles in the community, state and national airspace system.

Some restriction proposals were evaluated through this process, but were determined infeasible. Airport noise and access restrictions require the submittal and approval of a 14 CFR Part 161 Study, which includes an extensive analysis of the costs and benefits of the proposed restrictions. Because there are no residential impacts within the 65DNL noise contour surrounding Scottsdale Airport, federal funding is not available for such a study and FAA approval of restrictions would be highly unlikely.

Noise Abatement Measures

In brief, the following measures highlight the noise abatement procedures:

  • Continue informal preferential use of Runway 3.
  • Discourage right downwind and right base pattern entry, long straight-in approaches and right turnouts prior to reaching the airport boundary for aircraft using Runway 3.
  • Continue to encourage right turns as soon as practical and discourage straight-out and left turns on departure from Runway 21.
  • Discourage descents below 2,500 feet mean sea level for practice instrument approaches.
  • Encourage operators to climb as high as possible before leaving airport boundaries, and fly high and tight patterns following the four degree PAPI.
  • Encourage left-hand traffic on Runway 3. Right hand traffic on Runway 21 and use of published approach patterns to Runway 21.
  • Runway weight restriction is 75,000 pounds maximum certificated takeoff weight. With prior permission, the takeoff weight restriction may be lifted to 100,000 pounds.
  • Prohibit touch-and-go operations between 9:30 p.m. and 6 a.m.*
  • Prohibit maintenance run-up operations between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. and only permitted at the blast fence.*
  • Intersection takeoffs, stop-and-go, formation, takeoffs/landings and simulated single-engine departures or go-arounds are prohibited.*

*Prohibitions were instituted prior to the FAA adopting the Noise Compatibility Act of 1990 

  • Encourage National Business Aviation Association standard or manufacturers' comparable noise abatement procedures as well as AOPA Noise Awareness Steps by light single-engine aircraft.

Noise studies:


Contact Information

Airport Logo
Scottsdale Airport
 - Administrative Offices
15000 N. Airport Drive, suite 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P: 480-312-2321
F: 480-312-8480

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File a Noise Complaint

If you would like to file a complaint about aircraft noise, you can call our dedicated 24-hour number 480-312-FLYS (3597) or use the

Online Complaint Form

Or a complaint may be filed directly with the FAA through their Noise Website

FAA Noise Portal

When filing a complaint, please provide specific information for us to effectively research and record your concerns. For recording purposes, only one incident per call will be noted.

Please note: Information provided on the noise hotline or noise website may be subject to a public records request.