Important Notice: This website is currently in a transition phase. Some content may not be up to date. For the latest information and updates, please visit our new website.

News & Media

Scottsdale Airport provides local, national and international news media organizations with timely, accurate airport information. Media resources are linked below.

Media Contact
The media contact for Scottsdale Airport is Kelli Kuester, aviation planning and outreach coordinator. She can be reached at 480-312-8482 (office) or 480-202-8511(cell).

Contact Information

Airport Logo
Scottsdale Airport
 - Administrative Offices
15000 N. Airport Drive, suite 100             
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 
P: 480-312-2321             
F: 480-312-8480

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Aviation Staff (PDF)

Pay Airport User Customs Fees in Advance

Scottsdale Airport Map

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