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Alarm Awareness Information

You can now view all Alarm Awareness Information online. After reviewing the resources, you are eligible to take a quiz to test your knowledge about how to prevent False Alarms. After passing the quiz with an 80% or better, you will receive a false alarm waiver certificate. The false alarm wavier certificate can be presented to City of Scottsdale Business Services to request that one outstanding false alarm service charge be waived.

All alarm users in the City of Scottsdale should review the Alarm Awareness information and be aware of the fines associated with false alarms.

Please review the FAQ/Tips page below for information on Alarm Awareness. You can then email [email protected] requesting the quiz be sent to you via email.

Download False Alarm FAQ and Training Tips (PDF)

Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Business Services
7447 E Indian School Rd. Suite 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

P: 480-312-2400
F: 480-312-4806

P: 480-312-7400
F: 480-312-4805

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
Wednesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. except City Holidays

New applications and renewals are accepted until 4:30 p.m. daily.