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Greater Airpark Character Area Plan

CAPAirparkWhat Is It?

The Greater Airpark Character Area Plan establishes the vision for the Greater Scottsdale Airpark and provides the basis for decision-making over a twenty-year time-frame. The Character Area Plan contains explanatory goals, policies, and illustrative graphics to articulate and link the vision for the Greater Airpark and necessary implementation programs to achieve the vision.

City Council adopted - October 2010, amended 10/18/11, 10/25/11, 4/8/14, 12/2/14, 11/14/16, 10/1/19, 6/30/20, & 11/10/2020 

Where Does It Apply?

The area that surrounds the Scottsdale Airport is what is traditionally known as the Scottsdale Airpark. The GREATER Airpark includes areas to the north of the CAP Aqueduct and properties surrounding the traditional Airpark area. The Greater Airpark boundaries are described, generally, as Grayhawk Neighborhood to the north, the power line corridor and WestWorld to the northeast, 90th Street and the Loop 101 to the east, Thunderbird Road to the south and Scottsdale Road to the west.

Greater Airpark Character Area Map (PDF)

Why Was It Developed?

Greater Airpark Character Area Plan (PDF)

Adopted Maps:
Adopted Character Area Land Use Updated 11/10/2020  (PDF)
Adopted Character Area Development Types (PDF)

Adopted Plan Amendments:
Zocallo Residential (6-GP-2011) - 10/18/11
Crackerjax (8-GP-2011) - 10/25/11
Impact Church/Sunrise Commons (10-GP-2013) - 4/8/14
Bahia (6-GP-2014) - 12/2/14
District at the Quarter (3-GP-2016) - 11/14/16
Raintree Mixed Use (2-GP-2019) - 10/1/19
TCC Raintree (7-GP-2019) - 6/30/20
Seventh Day Adventists (4-GP-2019) - 11/10/20

Additional Information:
Resolution 8476 - Adopted 10/26/10  (PDF)
City Council Staff Report -10/26/10  (PDF)

The Greater Airpark contains the largest industrial-zoned area within the City of Scottsdale, and is recognized nationally as a model for airport-based business parks. Additionally, it is the location of some of the largest special events attended in the city, such as the Phoenix Open, the Barrett Jackson Auto Auction, and the Arabian Horse Show.

The Scottsdale General Plan designates the Greater Airpark as a growth area - meaning that it is an area of the community that is most appropriate for development focus.  In growth areas, the city can concentrate on improvements that will support planned concentration of a variety of uses and discourage sprawl.

Related Resources: 

Scottsdale General Plan 2035
Multi-Family Development Activity 2010-2016 (PDF)
Employment and Land Use Analysis, Gruen Gruen + Associates 2009 (PDF)
Transportation Master Plan
Scottsdale Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study (2005)
Airport-Related Permits and Forms
Scottsdale Airport
Scottsdale Airpark News 
Scottsdale Chamber Airpark Committee 
North Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce