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Real Estate & Development Signs

The Sign Ordinance regulates the duration, size and placement of all temporary signs based on the zoning district, but not the content of the sign.

Sign Ordinance Requirements

Sign Types


Examples: (but not limited to)

Commercial, Industrial & Mixed-Use Zoning Residential Zoning
Use Examples 'For sale and lease' signs, and 'coming soon' development signs.
Definition A sign that is freestanding and not portable, with a durable panel mounted on removable supporting posts that are embedded into the ground without the use of cement, concrete, or other permanent binding material.
  • On private property.
  • Prohibited in the right-of-way.
  • Placed in a manner that does not create a traffic hazard; or obstruct a public or private sidewalk, trail, or pedestrian pathway.
Duration Placed on a lot at the beginning of the duration of activity and removed no more than 7 days upon completion of the duration of activity:
  1. Active Development Review Board application for a project on the lot to the expiration of the application.
  2. Issuance of a building permit for a project on the lot to the issuance of a Certificate of Shell Building or Certificate of Occupancy, final inspection, or expiration of a building permit.
  3. The active marketing of the lot for sale or lease to the completion of the active marketing of the lot for sale or lease.

Commercial, Industrial & Mixed-Use Zoning


Residential Zoning

Quantity (Per Street Frontage)
  • Lots with a width of less than 1,200 feet abutting a street: 1 sign
  • Lots with a width greater than 1,200 feet abutting a street: 2 signs
  • 1 additional sign for each additional 600 feet of lot width greater than 1,200 feet.
  • Maximum Total (cap): 6 signs per street frontage.
  • Lots with a width of less than 1,200 feet abutting a street: 1 sign
  • Lots with a width greater than 1,200 feet abutting a street: 2 signs
  • 1 additional sign for each additional 600 feet of lot width greater than 1,200 feet.
  • Maximum Total (cap): 4 signs per street frontage.
Maximum Height
  • 5 feet tall
  • If placed behind a scenic corridor easement or abutting the Loop 101 Freeway frontage road: 10 feet tall
  • 5 feet tall
Maximum Area
  • 16 square feet
  • If placed behind a scenic corridor easement or abutting the Loop 101 Freeway frontage road: 32 square feet
  • Lots 2 acres or less: 6 square feet
  • Lots greater than 2 acres and less than 10 acres: 9 square feet
  • Lots greater than 10 acres: 16 square feet
Prohibited Elements No illumination, searchlights, amplified sound, animation, reflective materials; or attachments including but not limited to: balloons, flags, pinwheels, ribbons, or speakers.


Examples: (but not limited to)

Commercial, Industrial & Mixed-Use Zoning Residential Zoning
Use Examples 'A-frame/sandwich board' signs for commercial businesses; and residential activities such as open houses, yard sales, and estate sales.
Definition A sign that is freestanding, movable, and self-supported, and that is not permanently affixed to any building, structure, or embedded into the ground.
  • On private property.
  • Prohibited in the right-of-way.
  • Shall not be attached or placed on a light pole, traffic control device, or similar devices or structure.
  • Shall be placed in a manner that does not create a traffic hazard; or obstruct a public or private sidewalk, trail, or pedestrian pathway.
  • Placed in a manner that maintains a minimum 6-foot-wide unobstructed private sidewalk, trail, or pedestrian walkway.
  • Placed in a manner that maintains a minimum 10-foot-wide distance from any pedestrian stairs or ramp.

Commercial, Industrial & Mixed-Use Zoning


Residential Zoning

  • 100 feet from the back of a curb of an abutting street, and not in a scenic corridor.
  • If within 100 feet from the back of curb of an abutting street: Placed behind a structure and not visible from an abutting street.
On private property
Duration Not Applicable  Daily, between the hours of 7am to 8pm
Quantity (Per Street Frontage)
  • Per development: 1 sign per abutting street frontage.
  • Per tenant suite: 1 sign within 10 feet of the primary pedestrian entrance to the suite.
  • 1 sign per abutting street frontage
Maximum Height 3 feet
Maximum Area 6 square feet
Prohibited Elements No illumination, searchlights, amplified sound, animation, reflective materials; or attachments including but not limited to: balloons, flags, pinwheels, ribbons, or speakers.


Examples: (but not limited to)

Residential Zoning
Use Examples Off-site 'A-frame/sandwich board' signs directing traffic to nearby residential activities such as open houses, yard sales, and estate sales.
Definition A portable sign or yard sign that directs traffic to an event that occurs on a different lot where the sign is located, excluding permitted special event signs.
Distance Maximum distance from the lot on which the residential activity occurs: ½ mile radius measured from the property line of the lot on which the activity occurs.
  • Within a ½ mile radius: On private lots with residential zoning only.
  • Within a ½ mile radius: Cannot be placed on lots with commercial, industrial, and mixed-use zoning.
  • Prohibited on vacant sites.
  • Prohibited in the right-of-way.
  • Shall be placed in a manner that does not create a traffic hazard; or obstruct a public or private sidewalk, trail, or pedestrian pathway.
  • Shall not be attached or placed on public structures.
  • Shall not be attached or placed on a light pole, traffic directional sign or supports, traffic control device, utility cabinet, bridges, or other similar structures.
Duration Daily, between the hours of 7am to 8pm
Maximum Quantity 6 signs
Maximum Height 3 feet
Maximum Area 6 square feet
Prohibited Elements No illumination, searchlights, amplified sound, animation, reflective materials; or attachments including but not limited to: balloons, flags, pinwheels, ribbons, or speakers.
Design and Construction
  • Signs shall have sufficient weight and durability to withstand wind gusts, storms, and other weather elements.
  • Text, graphics and colors shall not replicate or conflict with the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
  • Sign shall include a directional arrow that points toward the location of the lot on which the activity occurs.
    • Directional arrow shall be no less than 12 inches wide and 6 inches tall.
    • Directional arrow shall contrast with the background of the sign surface for readability.

Online Parcel Information Map

Enter an address in the map search or zoom in to a location to find the zoning of a lot, and to measure distances.

To measure the ½ mile distance for Off-Premise Traffic Directional Sign placement: Use the measuring tool feature on the left side of the map to measure the ½ mile distance from the property line of a residential lot to determine the ½ mile maximum radius where an Off-Premise Traffic Directional Sign may be placed.