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Wireless Communication Facilities

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Location Maps New WCF and Modifications to Existing WCF Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) Aerial Strand-Mounted Microcell Equipment (AS)

Facilities Location Maps

Wireless Communication Facility Location Map

New WCF & Modifications to Existing WCF (Non-SWF)

Approval Process Flowcharts

Forms & Checklists

Antenna Site Right-of-Way License Agreements (ARLA)

Small Wireless Facilities (SWF)

The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on the approval process, permitting, placement, spacing, construction, installation and maintenance of SWF on Utility Poles, Monopoles and Wireless Support Structures in the City’s ROW as defined by A.R.S. § 9-591, et seq.

Read more about SWF Installations

Approval Process Flowcharts

Applications, Checklist & Resources

Antenna Site Right-of-Way License Agreements (ARLA)

Aerial Strand-Mounted Microcell Equipment (AS)

Additional Resources