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Article 5: Appointive Boards and Commissions

Sec. 1. Appointive boards and commissions.

The council may by ordinance create, change, and abolish boards or commissions as in its judgment are required, or as are now or hereafter provided by law and may grant to them such powers and duties as are consistent with the provisions of this charter.

All members of appointive boards or commissions shall at the time of their appointment be a resident of the city, and shall maintain this residency for the duration of their term in office. No member of a board or commission shall serve for more than six consecutive years on that board or commission.

Sec. 2. Civil service board.

The city council shall create a civil service board consisting of three qualified electors of the city to be appointed by the city council for six (6) year terms. The board shall prescribe, amend and enforce rules for personnel hearings as provided by city ordinance.

Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Mayor and City Council
3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Mayor's Office
P: 480-312-2433
F: 480-312-2738

Council Offices
P: 480-312-2550
F: 480-312-7885

Email Mayor Ortega: [email protected]
Email All City Council Members: [email protected]
or select a council member for individual email information.

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