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Boards & Commissions


The Airport Advisory Commission advises the City Council on policy matters relating to the operation of the airport, proposals for development, airport area land use, fees and safety concerns.


The Board of Adjustment has the power to hear and decide on appeals from administrative decisions and variances from the provisions of the zoning requirements.


The Building Advisory Board of Appeals has the jurisdiction to recommend that minor variances in the electrical, plumbing and mechanical application of the Building Code be granted and that alternative construction methods or materials be allowed.


The purpose of the Development Review Board is to maintain the quality of development in Scottsdale through review of architectural design and layout of proposed development plans for commercial development and preliminary plats for residential subdivisions.


The Environmental Quality Advisory Board provides guidance on the prioritization of future environmental activities and recommends environmental policies to the City Council.


The Historic Preservation Commission oversees the development and management of Scottsdale's Historic Preservation Program.


The Scottsdale Human Relations Commission will advocate and promote all dimensions of diversity.


The Human Services Commission provides advisory recommendations to the staff and City Council on human services priorities and programs.


The Judicial Appointments Advisory Board (JAAB) makes advisory recommendations to the City Council regarding the appointment and reappointment of full-time city judges.


The Library Board advises the City Council on general policy relating to the programs, services and future development of the Scottsdale Public Library.


The Loss Trust Fund Board is responsible for recommendations to the City Council regarding the administration of the loss trust fund.


The Commission, with the assistance of city staff, makes recommendations to the City Council on such items as: preservation strategy, funding, land acquisition, educational/promotional programs, master planning and other Preserve-related issues.


The Neighborhood Advisory Commission advises and makes recommendations to the city council on policies, plans, strategies and programs for the preservation, improvement and revitalization of Scottsdale’s housing and neighborhoods.


The Parks and Recreation Commission is a citizen advisory committee that advises the City Council on the acquisition of lands and facilities for use as parks or recreation centers; the Parks and Recreation Commission also advises on the operation, use, care and maintenance of these parks and recreation areas.


The Personnel Board hears appeals submitted by city employees relating to dismissal, demotion or suspensions; and submits its recommendations to the City Manager.


The Commission's task is to review, evaluate and approve rezoning requests, general plan amendments, use permits, abandonment's and Municipal Use master site plans, maintaining the applicable standards and policies of the city of Scottsdale.


Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-847, the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Boards, Police local and Fire local, are responsible for deciding all questions of eligibility and service credits, and determines the amount, manner and time of payment of any benefits under the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System.


The Tourism Development Commission advises the City Council on matters concerning the Tourism Industry in Scottsdale as well as the expenditure of revenues from the Transaction Privilege Tax on Transient Lodging (Bed Tax) designated for Tourism Development.


The Transportation Commission is an advisory board to the City Council on matters related to transportation.


The Commission advises the City Council on veteran programs, policies and practices and serve as a community connection point for veterans and the community where they live.


The archives contain a history of all of Scottsdale's appointed boards and commissions, past and present.


See vacancies on our boards and commissions and apply to serve.