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Planning Commission


The city of Scottsdale’s Planning Commission (PC) consists of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council. The Commission’s task is to review, evaluate and approve rezoning requests, general plan amendments, use permits, abandonment’s and Municipal Use master site plans, maintaining the applicable standards and policies of the city of Scottsdale. The Planning Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council on land use and zoning matters; the Council has the final ruling. The Planning Commission is also authorized to confer with other advisory commissions, such as the Transportation or Historic Preservation Commissions.

The Planning Commission is a public hearing process, which begins with a pre-application meeting between the applicant and city staff, and then moves forward through the public hearing process.

Typical cases to be heard before the Planning Commission may include, but are not limited to:

  • Zoning (ZN)- rezone from current zoning designation to another.
  • General Plan Amendments (GP)- change the general plan from current land use designation to another designation. Major GP Amendments have added requirements.
  • Conditional Use Permits (UP)- request for a use listed as “conditionally permitted” in the zoning district.
  • Abandonments (AB)- request for the City to release its interest in public right of way, roadway easement and alleys.
  • Municipal Use Master Site Plans (MUMSP) - all City projects over 1 acre


Ertel, George 10/10/2023 Second Term 10/10/2026
Gonzales, Barney 05/22/2024 Second Term 05/22/2027
Higgs, Renee - Chair 05/21/2022 Second Term 05/21/2025
Joyner, Michal Ann 05/18/2024 05/18/2027
Kaminski, Diana 05/17/2022 05/17/2025
Scarbrough, William 10/10/2023 Second Term 10/10/2026
Young, Joe - Vice Chair 10/10/2023 Second Term 10/10/2026
Staff Contacts:
Tim Curtis, Staff Representative 480-312-4210
General Inquiries   480-312-7767


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Scottsdale's Planning and Zoning division produces this email bulletin to keep residents and merchants informed about upcoming projects that may affect their neighborhoods.



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