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Pre-Application & Case Submittal Process

Most projects are required to go through some aspect of the entitlement process, and many of those are required to go through one or more public hearing processes for approval. Other projects may be minor and do not go through a public hearing process but rather a staff approval process.

The main steps in the process are:


Pre-Application Process

Request a Pre-Application Meeting online.


Application Submittal

Prepare and submit all necessary documents for formal submittal online.


Public Hearing & Entitlement

Attend public hearing with board or commission for discussion and decision.


Single-family residential, interior commercial tenant improvements and minimum permits are examples of projects that typically go straight to plan review and are not required to obtain any reviews and approvals prior to issuance of permits.

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Step 1: Pre-Application Process

A Pre-Application (PA) meeting will determine what process will be required. The table of the public hearing process provides a general guide of processing based on project type. Most projects also have requirements for Public Outreach. There are different types of public hearings that may be a required as a part of the entitlement process. Entitlement process will determine what Public Outreach requirements will apply.

Instructional Video:

Complete Pre-Application

Online Submittal

Submit Pre-Application request and pay application fee online, 24/7. No appointment necessary. Upload documents to assist staff in evaluating the request so they may provide the best information to you about your request.

Pre-Application Meeting with Project Coordinator

You will be contacted typically within one week to schedule your pre-application meeting. This meeting provides the city and the applicant a more complete understanding of the size, scope, and feasibility of the request. The pre-application meeting is typically a 1/2 to 1-hour meeting in which the applicant meets with their assigned planner and other staff to discuss the project request.

Public Outreach

Most projects also have requirements for public outreach. Entitlement process will determine what public outreach requirements will apply.

Step 2: Formal Application Submittal

The formal submittal process can only begin after the pre-application meeting has occurred.

Instructional Video:

Complete Application & Checklist Requirements

Online Submittal

Submit case application and checklist requirements provided at your pre-application meeting online at your convenience. Your Project Coordinator will provide you a keycode to access the online portal. The online portal is available 24/7. Once you have uploaded all requirements hit complete and staff will be notified. You will receive a letter informing you if your submittal has been accepted and requesting payment. If your submittal is incomplete a letter stating the missing items will be sent. Once payment is made the review process begins.

First Review (Substantive Review)

A comprehensive review of the application will occur and a first review comment letter will be issued to the applicant (usually within 30 days). This letter typically identifies issues that need to be resolved before a public hearing date is scheduled. If the application was submitted online, the project coordinator will contact you to download the comment letter corrections and any associated redlines.

Applicant submits revisions

Online Submittal

Once review comments have been addressed, log into the Digital Case Program Portal with your case number and key code. Upload comment letter and response letter with all revised documents. No appointment necessary - available 24/7.

Staff review of new/revised submittals

After a few weeks, if all issues are addressed, applicant will be notified by the Project Coordinator of the hearing date. Applicant will need to post necessary signage as required, and prepare for hearing.

Step 3: Public Hearing and Entitlement

Public Hearing

Applicant will need to attend the public hearing and be prepared to answer any questions the Board or Commission may have. The applicant may contact the Project Coordinator with any questions about the hearing.


After the public hearing, the applicant will receive a letter and any other information to proceed to the next steps.

The table of the public hearing process provides a general guide of processing based on project type.
Project Type Final Plan Staff Approval Development Review Board Historic Preservation Commission Board of Adjustments Planning Commission City Council
Amended Development Standards
Amended Stipulations
Commercial Repainting
Conditional Use Permit
ESL Hardship Exemption
General Plan Amendment
Historic Properties
Master Sign Plan
Municipal Use Master Site Plan
New Construction - Major
New Construction - Minor
Release of Easement
Subdivision Plat
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
Wash Modification (ESL)
Wireless Communication Facility
Zoning Variance

Application materials, all maps, plans, and other accompanying data are public record and are available for public inspection during office hours in the Records Division.