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Fitness Tips for Assessment Preparation


Performance sit-ups are not crunches. Applicants lie on a mat with knees bent approximately 90 degrees with hands on head and fingers behind ears. Another applicant holds down the feet during the test.

The applicant will come up and touch elbows to their knees or break the plane. Applicants then go back down and touch shoulders to the ground. Applicants can only rest in the up position. The applicants need to complete as many sit-ups as possible in one minute. Proper form is monitored closely.

Starting Position

Situps 1

Hands on head with fingers behind ears

Performing Situps - Step 2

Elbows to knees

Performing Situps - Step 3

Fitness Tip: 11-Minute O'Brien Ab Workout

Warm-up (30 repetitions)
  • Feet flat on the ground, hands clasped behind the neck.
  • Raise the scapula (shoulder blades) off of the floor about three inches.
  • Remember to raise the chin towards the ceiling, not to the knees.

90 Degrees (30 repetitions)

  • Back flat on the floor, 90 degrees of flexion in the hips and 90 degrees of flexion at the knee.
  • Raise the scapula (shoulder blades) off of the floor about three inches.
  • Remember to raise the chin towards the ceiling, not to the knees.

180 Degrees (30 repetitions)

  • Back flat on the floor, 90 degrees of flexion in the hips and 180 degrees of flexion at the knee.
  • Raise the scapula (shoulder blades) off of the floor about three inches.
  • Remember to raise the chin towards the ceiling, not to the knees.

Reverse Crunches (30 repetitions)

  • Back flat on the floor, 90 degrees of flexion in the hips and 90 degrees of flexion at the knee.
  • Raise the hips off of the floor about two inches. It is as though you are curling from the lower body into the upper body, knees should almost touch the chest.
  • Remember to raise the chin towards the ceiling, not to the knees.

Repeat this cycle (super set) three times, and then cool down with warm-ups for ten. Try these side to side as well, for some oblique action.

Push Ups

The applicant assumes a push-up position with feet together or up to twelve inches apart. Hands are placed approximately shoulder-width apart with fingers facing forward. Another applicant is in a position to extend a fist on the floor directly underneath the testing applicants sternum.

A proper push-up is when the testing recruit lowers the body and touches the fist with the sternum then returns up to the starting position with the elbows in a soft lock. Resting is allowed in the up position only. When any part of the body other than the feet and hands touch the ground the applicant is done. Proper form is monitored closely.

Starting Position


Touching sternum to fist

Pushups 2

Fitness Tips: Push-up Improvement Plan

This schedule should be adhered to due to time constraints. The longest amount of time spent on the program should be 19 minutes, which is the total time for week one.

Note section two on the bottom: If you are unable to do the time that is set, do not make it shorter. The correct thing to do is to adjust the type of push-up. Do them from your knees or raise your upper body higher. This is meant to reduce the angle and make the push-ups easier.

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

Week One

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Regular with reg hands 30 60
Regular with wide hands 30 60
Regular with close hands 30 60
Regular with reg hands 20 60
Regular from knees 30 End
Total Time: 6:20

Week Two

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Feet elevated with reg hands 30 45
Regular with wide hands 30 45
Regular with close hands 30 45
Regular with reg hands 30 45
Regular with reg hands 20 End
Total Time: 5:20

Week Three

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Feet elevated with reg hands 30 30
Regular with close hands 30 30
Regular with wide hands 30 30
Regular with reg hands 30 30
Regular with close hands 20 30
Regular from knees 20 End
Total Time: 5:10

Week Four

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Partner resisted with reg hands 20 20
Partner resisted with wide hands 20 20
Partner resisted with close hands 20 20
Regular with reg hands 30 20
Regular from reg hands 25 20
Regular from reg hands 20 End
Total Time: 3:55

Week Five

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Partner resisted with reg hands 30 15
Feet elevated with wide hands 30 15
Feet elevated with reg hands 30 15
Regular with reg hands 15 10
Regular with close hands 15 10
Regular from knees 15 End
Total Time: 3:20

Week Six

Type Time (in seconds) Rest (in seconds)
Partner resisted with reg hands 40 15
Regular with reg hands 30 15
Regular with close hands 30 15
Regular with wide hands 30 15
Regular from knees 30 15
Regular from knees 30 End
Total Time: 4:25


  1. The program includes resistance exercises involving the pectorals, anterior deltoids, and the triceps. One set each; 8-12 repetitions to muscle failure.
  2. Participants should try to follow the program on a week-week basis. Participants performance is monitored to try to get them to do as much as possible for each set of push-ups. If participants cannot finish the work period with the type of push-up they are performing, they should try an easier type of push-up (knees, hands on bench, negatives, wall push-ups) to complete the work period. It is imperative that participants continue to perform the push up movement, including the easier type of push-ups, throughout the entire work period to ensure maximum results.
  3. If a participant misses a workout, they should be able to make it up as soon as possible before the next training session to ensure adequate rest and recovery.
  4. This training program can be altered as necessary. The key elements are providing a certain amount of work each session and increasing the intensity or duration (or both) from week to week.

1.0 Mile Run

Complete the 1.0 mile run in under 10:00 minutes without stopping or walking any portion.

Fitness Tips: Running Improvement Plan

Aerobic Training Phase

Week One

Day Distance
(# of Times)
Relief Walk
Total Distance
Goal Time
1 .5 2 4 1.5 n/a
.25 2 2
2 .75 2 4 2 n/a
3 1.5 1 none 1.5 n/a

Week Two

1 .75 2 4 2 n/a
.25 2 2
2 .75 2 4 2 n/a
.5 1 none
3 1 1 none 2 n/a

Week Three

1 1 2 4 2.5 n/a
.5 1 none
2 1 1 4 2.5 n/a
.75 2 4
3 2.5 1 none 2.5 n/a

Week Four

1 1.5 1 5 3 n/a
1 1 4
.5 1 none
2 1.5 2 5 3 n/a
3 3 1 none 3 n/a

Speed Training Phase

Week One

Day Distance
(# of Times)
Rest Ratio
Total Distance
Goal Time
1 880 3 2 1.5 3:00
2 220 6 3 .75 :35
3 440 4 3 1 1:15

Week Two

Day Distance
(# of Times)
Rest Ratio
Total Distance
Goal Time
1 880 2 2 1.5 2:55
220 4 3 :35
2 330 4 3 .75 :55
3 220 6 3 .75 :35

Week Three

Day Distance
(# of Times)
Rest Ratio
Total Distance
Goal Time
1 660 2 2 1.25 2:00
440 2 3 1:15
2 220 6 3 .75 :34
3 110 10 3 .65 :15

Week Four

Day Distance
(# of Times)
Rest Ratio
Total Distance
Goal Time
1 880 1 2 1.5 2:50
660 1 2 1:55
440 1 3 1:10
2 330 5 3 .95 :55
3 110 12 3 .75 :15

Contact Information

Background Investigations Unit
P:  480-312-HIRE (4473)

For Scottsdale P.D. employment inquiries, email [email protected]

The City of Scottsdale is an Equal Opportunity Employer