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Mediation Application

Thank you for your interest in our mediation program. Please complete this application to the fullest and submit. Please keep in mind that not everything is appropriate for mediation. Some issues that we cannot mediate are HOA disputes that involve your CC&R’s, landlord/tenant rights, or issues relating to domestic violence, stalking or where there is an injunction of harassment. Please remember that completing the application does not guarantee that your issue can go to mediation but rather helps us determine if your issue is one that can utilize the mediation process.

Your contact information is kept confidential and the Respondent will not be provided your address or other personal information.

If you have a barking dog complaint, begin keeping a log of the time frame as to when the dog(s) started and stopped barking. If he/she barks for 5 minutes, stops, then starts again, just log the duration only. Although not necessary, but helpful, some residents have also included audio recordings or videotaping with their logs. However, please do not incite the dogs to bark using the video camera rather place the video camera in the general direction of the yard.

Please remember, do NOT send evidence, tapes, etc. to our program. You must keep any records for yourself should mediation not be successful. In addition, we will not be keeping track of calls or logs for you. This will be your responsibility.

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Requestor Information (Person filing the mediation request)
Respondent Information (Person you are filing the request against)
Note: We cannot mediate HOA disputes that involve your CC & R’s. In addition, if there is an injunction of harassment in place against the Respondent or yourself, this issue will not be handled through our mediation process.
Has either party filed any injunction against the other?
Are there any pending court cases involving both parties?
Do either of the parties have a restraining order in place?
1. What is the issue? (Please check one)
2. Have you made contact with the Respondent in the past about this matter?
Questions 4-7: For Barking Dog Issues only
4. Have you been keeping a log of the dog barking?
6. Does the dog have access to a dog door?
7. Are the dog(s) left out in the yard during the day or night?
I acknowledge by submitting this form I am confirming my desire to utilize the City of Scottsdale mediation services and initiate a formal mediation, as necessary.



Contact Information

Deanna Zuppan
P: 480-312-0217
[email protected]