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Leave of Absence

Paid Parental Leave FAQ’s

All benefit eligible employees who meet FMLA eligibility criteria of 1 year of service and at least 1,250 hours worked.
Employee has a birth, adoption, or foster care placement event.
Employee must submit the required medical certification through the FMLA process.

Paid parental leave is a maximum of up to four weeks of an employee’s base rate of pay. Fire employees who work 56-hour weeks will receive the equivalent time of up to four weeks of leave based on their schedule. The four weeks of paid parental leave does not extend the annual FMLA entitlement of 12 weeks. Multiple births of twins, triplets, etc. are only eligible for up to 4 weeks of paid parental leave.

Human Resources will verify your eligibility and once approved for paid parental leave, you will receive specific instructions on how to code your timecard.

Each parent is eligible for up to four weeks of paid parental leave.

These events are not part of the paid parental leave program, but FMLA leave can be requested for these events.

Paid parental leave runs concurrent with an employee’s FMLA entitlement. Paid parental leave provides 100% of an employee’s base pay for the first four weeks of eligible FMLA leave time.

Employees who exhaust their FMLA entitlement due to reasons other than bonding are eligible for paid parental leave.

Short term disability benefit payments begin after an employee has exhausted all paid parental leave and medical leave time. In the case of an employee giving birth, the employee would receive up to four weeks of paid parental leave time (assuming eligibility criteria is met), exhaust any medical leave time and then short term disability benefits would begin.

Employees who separate employment after utilizing paid parental leave are not responsible for repayment of the benefit amount.

Paid parental leave must be taken on a continuous basis only. Intermittent utilization is not part of the program.

Paid parental leave is up to four weeks of city paid leave. A holiday within the four-week period does not entitle an employee to an extra period of paid parental leave. Depending on when the leave is initiated, it may extend an employee’s FMLA entitlement by the duration of the holiday time.

Utilizing paid parental leave will not affect other leave banks. Employees can utilize other leave time after paid parental leave is exhausted.

A birth, adoption or foster care placement is considered an event which is part of the eligibility for the paid parental leave benefit program. Events occurring prior to the program’s inception are not considered eligible events and thereby not entitled to paid parental leave benefits.

Possibly. FMLA provides for leave time for the initial placement of an adopted child within an employee’s household. If the adopted stepchild is being newly placed into the home, paid parental leave would be available.