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Zoning Ordinance Interpretations

The Zoning Administrator is responsible for the administrative functions of enforcing and interpreting the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, as well as various conditions and stipulations of zoning related entitlements.

The Zoning Administrator, with the staff of Current Planning, make decisions on a daily basis in the act of enforcing the Zoning Ordinance.  Official written interpretations are posted below.

Zoning Administrator, Erin Perreault

Request an Interpretation

Any request for a Zoning Ordinance interpretation or decision must be made in writing to the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator responds in writing to such requests for ordinance interpretations or other decisions within 45 days from the date of the written request. Written interpretations or other decisions may be appealed, which may stay all proceedings in the matter appealed.

Appeal an Interpretation

The appeal of Zoning Ordinance interpretations or other decisions by the Zoning Administrator may be initiated by any aggrieved person affected by the interpretation or decision. Appeals must be filed no later than 30 days after the interpretation or decision is issued. Appeals are heard by the Board of Adjustment.

View previous appeals and results.


The listing provided below is for reference only.

The listing does not include all interpretations, and some listed may be obsolete due to code changes that occurred after the interpretation was made.