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Architectural & Engineering Design Guidelines

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Downloadable Design Guidelines Plan Preparation Tools

Downloadable Design Guidelines

Greater Phoenix Metro Green Infrastructure Handbook

Low-Impact Development Details for Alternative Stormwater Management

Description DWG PDF
LID 01: Permeable Pavement Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 02: CurbOpenings Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 03: Curb Openings Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 04: Sediment Traps Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 05: Stormwater Harvesting Basin Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 06: Vegetated or Rock Bioswales Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 07: Bioretention System Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 08: Curb Extensions Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 09: Bioretention Planter Download DWG File Download PDF File
LID 10: Domed Overflow Structure Download DWG File Download PDF File

Plan Preparation Tools

As-Built Checklist (PDF) - For Capital Improvement Projects - to be included by the contractor when submitting project As-Builts to Capital Project Management.

Benchmark map information for Capital Improvement Projects

Benchmarks for other submittals are to be based on NAVD 88 and meet the FEMA Benchmark Maintenance (BMM) criteria. See the criteria defined within the Coordinator’s Manual ;links to external site  of the National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating system. Use the MCDOT links to external site benchmark system in accordance with the BMM criteria.

Building Supplemental Instructions (PDF) - For Capital Improvement Projects – to be included by the Consultant in the bid specifications for building projects.

CADD Files for Public Works Construction - for plan preparation and submittals.

Guidelines for Preparation of Special Provisions (PDF)- for development of Special Provisions for Capital Improvement Projects, based on MAG & COS Supplemental Specifications.

MAG Supplements - Supplements to the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction.

Master Bid Item List - for Capital Improvement Projects

Plan Review

Roadway Design Checklist - 30%, 60%, 90% Bid (PDF) - Set of checklists used for the development of Capital Improvement Roadway Projects. To be used by Consultants when developing design sets for review. (April 2019)

Checklist for Grading & Drainage (Plan Review)

Building Review Details Drawings - Building Review Details available in DWG and PDF.

Submittal Checklists

Traffic Signals - Special Requirements - For use by vendors and contractors when bidding and/or building traffic signals.

Map of Detectable Warning Surface & Concrete Sidewalk Colors (PDF)

Scottsdale Road Bus Shelter Art Wall Panels - Available in DWG and PDF.