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Tribal Gaming Grants

Tribal Gaming Grant Process For Non-Profit Entities

Pursuant to Proposition 202 and Arizona tribal-state gaming compacts, some Arizona tribes share a portion of their annual gaming revenue with local governments for services that benefit the general public.

Non-profit entities seeking to receive funding through this program must establish a pass-through partnership with a local government.

Scottsdale’s Government Relations Department manages the city’s pass-through partnerships with non-profit entities and coordinates applications and funding of tribal gaming grants.

  • Non-profit grant applications made in which the City of Scottsdale acts as a pass-through partner are required to articulate a benefit to Scottsdale citizenry, address a strategic initiative of the City, or identify a nexus to Maricopa County residents inclusive of Scottsdale residents in order to be considered for pass-through by the City.
  • Applications from non-profit organizations who were identified as a grantee of a Scottsdale Human Services Commission grant within the 12 months prior to the tribe’s application deadline will not be passed through by the City.
  • Applications will only be accepted from non-profit entities demonstrating a local presence.
  • Proposals must conform to Proposition 202 guidelines.
  • The Government Relations Department will review and submit approved applications on behalf of the non-profit organization and will include the City of Scottsdale’s Resolution when required by the tribe.
  • Completed applications must be submitted to the City of Scottsdale Government Relations Department for review and processing 30 days prior to the tribal government’s application deadline.
  • Each participating tribe has its own gaming grant process, application requirements, and time lines. Applicants should obtain application guidelines and materials from each individual tribal entity they wish to apply to.
  • Applicants operating under IRS tax exempt status as a non-profit organization must be able to provide IRS documentation indicating their current legal status.
  • When an entity is selected for funding, the Government Relations Department will seek city council approval to receive and disperse funds. Funding cannot be accepted and disbursed without city council approval.
  • An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) may be required as part of the funding process. When required, the City of Scottsdale cannot disperse funds until the IGA is approved and signed by all parties.
  • Non-profit awardees are solely responsible for the expenditure of grant funds and for ensuring the funds are appropriately utilized and accounted for in accordance with all applicable laws. By accepting the funds, recipient organizations release and waive any and all claims, demands and causes of action of any kind, known or unknown, real or imagined, that the recipient organization may or may not have against the City of Scottsdale, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents arising from the provision of these funds by the City of Scottsdale to the recipient organization.
  • Recipients will be required to provide the city with a current W-9 and invoice when requesting disbursement of funds.
  • In cases where the City acts as a pass-through partner but is not a recipient of a grant from the participating tribal entity during the same grant cycle, a processing fee in the amount of one thousand dollars will be applied and withheld from fund distribution for each pass-through grant processed by the City. Any processing fees collected by the City will be applied to City programming in accordance with Proposition 202 guidelines.
  • Non-profit organizations who have accepted shared revenue funds are responsible for submitting all required grant documentation and reports directly to the awarding tribal government.
  • Grants awards are solely decided upon by each tribal government. The City of Scottsdale does not participate in the selection of gaming grant awards.

Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Government Relations
3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
P: 480-312-2683

Dale Wiebusch
Government Relations Director
P: 480-312-2683
[email protected]