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Sister Cities

Scottsdale Sister Cities logoThe Scottsdale Sister Cities Associationlinks to external site promotes the City of Scottsdale by strengthening municipal and economic development partnerships between Scottsdale and its Sister Cities. SSCA is an independent non-profit corporation that receives about $10,000 per year from the City of Scottsdale.

The mission of the SSCA is to promote the City of Scottsdale as an ambassador of international friendship and goodwill. This is accomplished through student, educational, cultural and economic development exchanges and advancement of long-term international partnerships.

Scottsdale has eight sister cities:


Contact the Scottsdale Sister Cities Associationlinks to external site:

[email protected] or 480-945-0384 


Contact Information

City of Scottsdale - Government Relations
3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
P: 480-312-2683

Dale Wiebusch
Government Relations Director
P: 480-312-2683
[email protected]